K is for Kamala

It has been 100 years since women earned the right to vote in this country.  In all that time, we have yet to achieve the highest office in the land, though women in a number of other countries have done so.  Electing a female Vice President is a huge step in the direction of equal citizenship for women, a step that I am proud to celebrate.

The book is a double accordion joined by pamphlet stitch bindings.  Looked at from one direction, it focuses on our new Madame Vice President.  Looked at from the other side, it focuses on women’s suffrage.  The end pieces provide summary statistics regarding the state of women in government throughout the world.  (If you want to know more about the state of women and political power throughout the world, and why parity for women in government is important, check out the wonderful information at this site: https://www.cfr.org/article/womens-power-index).

The content is made up of mono-printed paper, collage, and museum board.

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